Various therapies play a crucial role in promoting children’s development across physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains. Occupational therapy aids in enhancing fine motor skills and daily living activities. Speech and language therapy helps with communication and language difficulties. In addition, modalities like Dance Therapy (AMT), Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Behavioral therapy all address various challenges faced by the children in their developmental journey. These therapies are undeniably valuable for addressing specific challenges of the child. However, therapies alone may yield limited results, as they are often confined to specific settings and durations. Their impact can be further enhanced when combined with family-based interventions. IIN firmly believes that involvement of the family provides supportive environment, facilitates consistent practice beyond therapy sessions, and provide a holistic approach to the therapy. Therefore, for parents seeking any particular therapy for their child, the IIN recommends them to experience the integrated IIN-PTP to have better result for their child.

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