Indigen Institute of Neuropsychology Council, was started as a registered organization under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in the Govt of India. The primary aim of this organization is to promote comprehensive child development through three essential pillars – learning, parenting, and therapeutic support. Recognizing the pivotal role of parents in shaping a child’s growth, we offer comprehensive training programs that empower parents with deep insights into child development and its influencing factors. Armed with this knowledge, parents can create a nurturing environment that fosters their child’s learning journey effectively

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Unlocking Growth, Anywhere, Anytime: Embrace Transformation through our Online Reach!

Frequently Asked Questions?

How can I participate in the program if I live far away?

You can easily participate in our program as it is conducted online. Regardless of your location, you can join us through the Zoom platform. Connect with our experts and other parents who face similar challenges on a daily basis. Our program offers a range of resources and tools, including expert advice and support groups, to assist you in navigating parenting challenges. You will learn practical strategies to manage common issues such as behavior problems and communication difficulties. Our community of parents and professionals is committed to supporting you at every step, empowering you to raise your child with confidence.

What is the 'IIN PTP'?

The 'IIN Parents Training Program' is a comprehensive training program that provides participants with a profound understanding of their roles as parents, focusing on principles and techniques. Specifically designed for parents of toddlers who face challenges related to communication, behavior, emotional regulation, and more. It is remarkable to acknowledge the enduring impact parents have on their children's lives.

What will I learn from the 'IIN PTP'?

Throughout the program, you will learn effective strategies to engage your child, improve communication, and manage challenging behaviors. You will also gain insights into fostering self-initiation in your child, reducing the need for constant prompts.

How long is the program?

The program duration varies based on the chosen package: 1 month for the IIN PTP Basic, 6 months for the IIN PTP Standards, and 12 months for the IIN PTP Premium.

Do I need prior experience or qualifications to enroll?

No, prior experience or qualifications are required to enroll in the program. It is designed to be accessible to parents of toddlers seeking effective strategies to support their child's development.

What are the advantages of online parents training programs?

Online parents training programs offer several advantages, including accessibility, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, personalization, and support. You can access the program from anywhere, at any time, making it convenient for busy parents. The self-paced structure allows flexibility in learning, while the program can be customized to address your family's specific needs. Additionally, you'll have access to support resources such as forums and chat rooms, creating a supportive community.

How will the program benefit my child?

By applying the techniques learned in the program, you will create a safe and engaging environment for your child to express themselves, learn social skills, and regulate their emotions. This can lead to significant improvements in their behavior, communication, and emotional well-being.



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